468 research outputs found

    A Joint Evaluation Methodology for Service Quality and User Privacy in Location Based Systems

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    Pervasive and ubiquitous applications provide novel and exciting services leveraging on a multitude of data obtained from people's devices, adapting the computation to the context in which the user currently is. This improves the service quality of these applications, which can provide a more tailored configuration of the application itself depending on the user context and needs. In these scenarios privacy is of paramount importance, since users must be also be protected against the misuse of their personal data. Analyzing ubiquitous systems in terms of service quality and privacy issues is however a challenging task, due to the heterogeneity of the possible attacks, which makes it difficult to compare two applications. In this paper we propose a novel methodology to jointly evaluate the service quality and the privacy issues in ubiquitous applications in an extensible and comparable way, building on the data available in each part of the system to be analyzed, and defining service qualities and privacy issues so that they can be easily re-used in other analyses. Our evaluation on a candidate application highlights the benefits of our proposal, showing the dependency between privacy levels and service quality, and paving the way for a novel methodology for the definition of these scenarios

    Toolchain Modeling: Comprehensive Engineering Plans for Industry 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) elevates the complexity and autonomy of industrial systems and engineering environments to levels not seen before. The novel challenges involve not only the software running on the partaking autonomous devices, but also architectural considerations and the technological infrastructure around the entire engineering process. In this paper, complementing the trends in industrial systems design, we propose an approach to toolchain modeling, i.e. an integrated specification for the interoperability of tools along with the holistic architectural framework, designed in the context of the Arrowhead Framework. In particular, we propose an intuitive, yet founded definition for toolchains and their mappings to a versatile engineering process model. Those definitions then serve as a basis for proposing our comprehensive toolchain modeling approach. The methodology is demonstrated using (simplified) real-world engineering case studies based on the Arrowhead Framework and platform

    WoTwins: Automatic Digital Twin Generator for the Web of Things

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    Digital Twins are crucial in Industry 4.0 IoT scenarios, as they replicate physical assets and enable important tasks such as predictive analytics, what-if scenarios and real time monitoring. The heterogeneity of IoT use cases usually makes the development of digital twins extremely application-specific as well as prone to interoperability issues. To overcome these two challenges, we propose WoTwins, a framework that, on one side, leverages the W3C Web of Things (WoT) standard to model data and entities, and, on the other side, generates automatically Digital Twins of existing Web Things by modeling their state space through a Markov Decision Process (MDP) graph and by predicting its behavior though Machine Learning techniques. We conduct experiments on a simulated use cases related to IoT robotics to evaluate our proposa

    Automotive Communications in LTE: A Simulation-Based Performance Study

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    2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)The integration of automotive communications in 5G systems must build on a clear understanding of the performance of services for connected vehicles in today's LTE deployments. In this paper, we carry out a simulation-based performance evaluation of automotive communications in LTE, with particular attention to realism: to that end, we investigate the impact of different road traffic models, employ a state-of-the-art commercial LTE tool, and study a practical service use case. Our results demonstrate that unrealistic road traffic datasets can bias network simulations in urban vehicular environments, and provide insights on the limitations of the current radio access architecture, when confronted to connected vehicles.This research has received funding from the People Pro-gramme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Unions Sev-enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under REA grant agreement n.630211, ReFleX. Also, this work has been performed in the framework of the H2020-ICT-2014-2 project 5G NORMA

    A Survey on the Web of Things

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    The Web of Things (WoT) paradigm was proposed first in the late 2000s, with the idea of leveraging Web standards to interconnect all types of embedded devices. More than ten years later, the fragmentation of the IoT landscape has dramatically increased as a consequence of the exponential growth of connected devices, making interoperability one of the key issues for most IoT deployments. Contextually, many studies have demonstrated the applicability of Web technologies on IoT scenarios, while the joint efforts from the academia and the industry have led to the proposals of standard specifications for developing WoT systems. Through a systematic review of the literature, we provide a detailed illustration of the WoT paradigm for both researchers and newcomers, by reconstructing the temporal evolution of key concepts and the historical trends, providing an in-depth taxonomy of software architectures and enabling technologies of WoT deployments and, finally, discussing the maturity of WoT vertical markets. Moreover, we identify some future research directions that may open the way to further innovation on WoT systems

    Splenic Trauma: WSES Classification and Guidelines for Adult and Pediatric Patients

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    Spleen injuries are among the most frequent trauma-related injuries. At present, they are classified according to the anatomy of the injury. The optimal treatment strategy, however, should keep into consideration the hemodynamic status, the anatomic derangement, and the associated injuries. The management of splenic trauma patients aims to restore the homeostasis and the normal physiopathology especially considering the modern tools for bleeding management. Thus, the management of splenic trauma should be ultimately multidisciplinary and based on the physiology of the patient, the anatomy of the injury, and the associated lesions. Lastly, as the management of adults and children must be different, children should always be treated in dedicated pediatric trauma centers. In fact, the vast majority of pediatric patients with blunt splenic trauma can be managed non-operatively. This paper presents the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) classification of splenic trauma and the management guidelines

    Use of systemic and in situ lactoferrin in MRONJ surgical management: proposal for a therapeutic solution

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    Aim: Lactoferrin (Lf) is an antimicrobial and iron chelator glycoprotein contained in exocrine secretion, including saliva, and in secondary granules of neutrophil granulocytes. Lf performs its antibacterial and antiviral action through two pathways: the first deprives bacteria of the iron they need for their reproduction and for biofilm formation; the second contributes to restore the inflammatory homeostasis which is essential for tissue health modulating the level of cytokines, like IL-6. The study intends to propose the use of systemic and in situ Lf effectiveness in the healing of oral mucosa and bone tissue affected by medication-related ostenecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ), after surgical excision or spontaneous elimination of necrotic bone

    Decreasing pH impairs sexual reproduction in a Mediterranean coral transplanted at a CO2 vent

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    Ocean acidification, due to the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere and its absorption by the oceans, affects many aspects of marine calcifying organisms' biology, including reproduction. Most of the available studies on low pH effects on coral reproduction have been conducted on tropical species under controlled conditions, while little information is reported for either tropical or temperate species in the field. This study describes the influence of decreasing pH on sexual reproduction of the temperate non-zooxanthellate colonial scleractinian Astroides calycularis, transplanted in four sites along a natural pH gradient at the underwater volcanic crater of Panarea Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). The average pH values of each site (range: pHTS 8.07–7.40) match different scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the end of the century. After 3 months under experimental conditions, the reproductive parameters of both oocytes and spermaries (abundance, gonadal index, and diameters) seem to be unaffected by low pH. However, a delay in spermary development in the pre-fertilization period and a persistence of mature oocytes in the fertilization period were observed in the most acidic site. Furthermore, no embryos were found in colonies from the two most acidic sites, suggesting a delay or an interruption of the fertilization process due to acidified conditions. These findings suggest a negative effect of low pH on A. calycularis sexual reproduction. However, long-term experiments, including the synergistic impact of pH and temperature, are needed to predict if this species will be able to adapt to climate change over the next century
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